The Dahlem Centre for Genome Research and Medical Systems Biology
Future Health

The proposal is strongly supported by a (growing) large network of universities, research institutes, industries and individual leaders, including:
CEA, France: Nora Benhabiles, Professor. Director, External Collaborations and Industrial Partnerships at CEA.
Consorzio Interuniversitario Risonanze Magnetiche di Metallo Proteine (CIRMMP), Italy: Claudio Luchinat, Professor of Chemistry.
ETH Zürich, Switzerland: Christofer Hierold, Professor, Chair in Micro and Nanosystems, Lothar Thiele, Professor, Chair Computer Engineering and Networks.
Medical University Graz, Austria: Kurt Zatloukal, Professor of Pathology.
University College London, UK: Stefan Beck, Professor of Medical Genomics.
Kings College London, UK: Tony Ng, Richard Dimbleby Professor of Cancer Research, King's College London and Professor of Molecular Oncology at UCL-Cancer Institute, University College London.
Infineon Technologies AG Munich, Germany: Knut Hufeld, Director, Research & Development Funding, Infineon Technologies AG; Reinhard Pufall, Dr.
Centre of Systems Biology (SYSBIO), Italy: Lilia Alberghina, Professor, Director.
CEA-LETI, Grenoble, France: Marie-Noelle Semeria, Director; Thomas Ernst, Chief Scientist.
Fraunhofer Research Institution for Microsystems and Solid State Technologies, Germany: Peter Ramm, Head of Department Heterogeneous System Integration.
Charité, University Medicine Berlin, Germany: Antonia Joussen, Professor of Ophthalmology. Chair, Department of Ophthalmology.
Maastricht University, Netherlands: Angela Brand, Founding Director, Professor, Institute for Public Health Genomics (IPHG).
IMEC, Leuven, Belgium and IMEC-NL, Eindhoven, the Netherlands: Chris Van Hoof, Program Director Wearable Healthcare, Professor KULeuven, Leuven, Belgium.
Università di Bologna, Italy: Enrico Sangiorgi, Vice Rector, Professor, Giorgio Baccaranni, Professor, Luca Selmi, Professor.
Sinano Institute and IMEP-Grenoble INP - IMEP-Grenoble, France: Francis Balestra, Director of research NRS.
SINTEF, Norway: Maaike M Visser Taklo, Chief Scientist.
IBM Zurich, Switzerland: Heike Riel, Director Physical Sciences IBM.
Intel Corporation, Ireland: Charlie Sheridan, Director, Internet of Things (IoT) research Lab at Intel Corporation
Science for Life Laboratory, Stockholm, Uppsala, Sweden, Olli Kallioniemi, Director
INSERM, France: Georges Dagher, Infrastructure Biobanques, Director
Institut ROCHE, France: Patrice Denefle, Head of Institute
UCL Institute of Neurology, UK: Xavier Golay, Professor, MR Neurophysics and Translational Neuroscience Head, Department of Brain Repair and Rehabilitation
University College Dublin, Ireland: Walter Koch, Professor, Director of Systems Biology Ireland
Centro Nacional de Analisis Genomico (CNAG-CRG), Spain: Ivo Gut, Professor, Director
CEA-CNG (Centre National de Génotypage), France: Jean-François Deleuze, Director
Acabidem University, Turkey: Ugur Sezermen, Professor
Uppsala University, Sweden: Ulf Landegren, Professor
Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin Germany: Marie-Laure Yaspo, Dr. Group Leader
Tyndall National Institute, Ireland: Dr. Alan Mathewson, Deputy Head - Circuits and Systems & Dr. Kieran Drain, CEO of Tyndall National Institute.
KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden: Prof. Mikael Östling
And many more - see the growing list of supporters and their comments on the Future Health initiative below. The list is updated on a regular basis:


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